Wednesday 17 January 2007

Paludrine Parade Issue 3

Dear Fellow Vietnam Veteran

We’ve been a little busy lately but these are some the projects currently on the go:

Finish our Constitution

Design and installation of Australian Forces Vietnam RAASC plaque at the Australian War Memorial

Finish installation of Website

Collection and publication of Service historys to honour our departed comrades - one below

Australian Combat Badge – who is entitled to it?

Launceston Reunion Aug 07

Very keen to meet with any of you at any time and will try and visit when opportunities become available.

Some of us were in Brisbane recently and caught up with Wayne Davies, Lyn Guy, Coco Hazel, Barry Field and Don Noy – they send their best regards.
In honour of: 15962 Bill Standfast

Completed two tours of Vietnam and served in three Supply Platoons. He returned early (RTA) because of knee problems. Posted to Townsville in early 70’s and finally discharged 10 years later. When RAASC was disbanded in 1973, he opted for RAAOC. This veteran soldiered on by spending some time in the Reserves.

Post discharge, he worked as a travelling salesman for an auto parts firm until approx four years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer. Following a major operation and as a recognised TPI, he was told that he should finalise his affairs and eventually passed away 26 Apr 06. His spare time was mostly devoted to TPI, RSL and Vietnam Veteran activities. A well known and respected friend and Veteran, some 300 young and old soldiers with medals turned out for his farewell.

Rest in Peace Bill (published with thanks to Fred Friske)

Finally - Paludrine Parade wishes to report one of the Exec is currently under the influence – of a very special Queensland lady. In fact, since this PP was started, Dave and Robyn are now engaged. Congratulations both of you. More to follow over!

Bruce Manning

President, RAASC Supply Platoons Association

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