Wednesday 17 January 2007


Paludrine Parade is a quick one page “soldier’s five”, and will be supplemented by a periodic Newsletter.

We have started the above Association at our recent Canberra Vietnam Veterans Day Reunion 17-20Aug 2006.

Whilst this started as a 25 Sup Pl Association, it quickly became apparent that others wanted to join up with their mates. It was reported that the Transport and Air Dispatch units have their associations but not us and we are about to become formally Incorporated in the ACT which will involve all “supply platoon” types including Supply, HQ, Petroleum, Ammo Tech, ASCO, Postal, etc from:

1 Coy RAASC, 21 Supply Platoon,

5 Coy RAASC, 25 Supply Platoon,

26 Coy RAASC, Det 52 Supply Platoon, and

any others as appropriate and are willing to join us.

We are keen to act as a resource to support Reunion planning, networking, and welfare-related activities for the benefit of all members.

We publicly acknowledge the hard work of previous reunion planners and wish to leverage on those efforts to build the Association. We now have a Secretariat in Canberra and the following have formal positions:

Ex (MAJ GEN) David McLauchlan, AO, currently Victorian RSL President - Inaugural Patron

Bruce Manning - Inaugural President

Dave Evans - Treasurer and Webmaster

Russ Morison - Secretary

Denny Van Maanenberg – Welfare/Pensions Officer and Newsletter Editor

Tony Galea - Public Officer

Upcoming Events:

RAASC Plaque laying at AWM – tbc

Tasmanian Reunion Aug 07

Vietnam Trip 2008

Please promote amongst your members. Watch out for the next Edition of Paludrine Parade.

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