Wednesday 17 January 2007


Greetings once again,

This Edition contains a Membership Form for you to come on board and join our new Association - Vietnam Vets helping one another. We also have a bank account for you to deposit your membership fees into. We will issue a Membership Card in due course.

It also includes a letter from our President Bruce Manning and a copy of Paludrine 1. This is a single page newssheet with details of what has been happening on our patch.

Roll Call - one of the things we noticed in preparing for our recent reunion was that all sorts of blokes wanted to be part of this initiative. If you combined all the members of the six units above there would be some 500 members. To date we have found around 50 with email, and another roughly 50 without an identified email address (our preferred method of cmmunication). That leaves 400 more members to track down.

We now have our own Home Page - see .

It is under construction and will have more details on it as we manage to get to it – so please be patient we’re not as fast as we used to be!

In addition to our Internet site home page, we also have our own group site where we can send and exchange emails. The site resides in Yahoo and can be accessed as follows:

Go to At Check your mail status: Sign in”,

type sec_vspa and enter the password “launceston

then press enter

Yahoo should then acknowledge sec_vspa as the user id,

then, click the MAIL tab and voila, there you are with emails waiting for you to read and send.

Send emails to this address from your email account use

Yahoo mail address:

All the best.


Membership Application

Surname: …………………………………………………………………………………

Given Names ……………………………………………….……………………………

Address: …………………………………………………….……………………………


State: …………… Postcode: ………….. Date of Birth: ……………………...

Phone No. (home) ………………… (work) ………….… (mobile) ……………………
Email Address:…………………………..……………………………

Service Details: Unit: ……………..……………………………………
Dates: from ……..….…… to …….…....….


Dates: from …….…..…… to …..……..….

Spouse/Partner’s Name: ………………………………….……………………………

Membership: Ordinary (Vietnam Veterans) $20 Associate (Non Vietnam Vets) $20

Payment details: by cheque payable to: RAASC Vietnam Supply Platoons Association

or direct to: Defence Credit Union or any National Bank

Membership Number 3852206 BSB 803 205 Account 20726970

RAASC Vietnam Supply Platoons Association

PO Box 214 Calwell ACT 2905

Home Page:

Sec: Russ Morison 02 6292 7567 (0408 947 935) Treas: David Evans 02 6295 6882 (0419 011 597)


Dear Member

Welcome to the newly formed RAASC Supply Platoons Association which was established during the recent Long Tan –Vietnam Veterans celebrations.

Our aim is to find old mates from that era, to facilitate Reunion planning, networking, and welfare-related activities for the benefit of all members. It is open to anyone from that era, including all “supply platoon” types including Supply, HQ, Petroleum, Ammo Tech, ASCO, Postal.

We publicly acknowledge the hard work of previous reunion planners and will build on those efforts to strengthen the Association. We now have a Secretariat in Canberra but rely on key representatives across Australia to act as a point of contact for the Association. They are as follows:

Don Noy Gold Coast 07 5594 4064

Lynton Guy Brisbane and Environs 07 3851 1629

Bob Denner NSW Country 02-6657 1145

Barry Carroll Sydney Metro 02 9816 2064

Noel Schluter South Australia 08 8322 2586

Mal Saxby Western Australia 08 9593 4806

Tony Galea Victoria East 03-9772 0421

Rod Quinn - Victoria West 03 9746 9775

Steve Wright Tasmania 03 6344 5562

I invite you to contact your local representative in the first instance but in any case we are here to support you in any way we can..

Warm Regards,


Bruce Manning

President, RAASC Supply Platoons Association

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